Upcoming Speaking

I will be speaking at the Dayton .Net Developers Group on January 23rd.  The topic will be my “Be a Rules Follower” talk.  This talk focuses on using the Windows Workflow Rules Engine.

I had submitted a few topics to the CodeMash conference, but was one of the unfortunate that didn’t make it through the selection process.  On the upside, I was asked by Bill Wagner to be one of the professionals in the “Experts Zone” at CodeMash.  The Expert’s Zone is a open room at the conference where attendees can come talk with the presenters and other knowledgeable professionals about the presentations or other areas of expertise.  It’s an honor to have been invited to take part in this feature of the conference….actually, I’m not sure how I got included. :)  I’ll be in the expert zone on Thursday for the first two hours.  Other speakers and professionals have signed up for various hours over Thursday and Friday, so run by the Expert’s Zone to find out when people you want to talk to will be there.

I’m happy to come to user groups and companies to speak on Workflow and other topics, so if you’re interested just give me a shout.  Last year I spoke at CINNUG (of course), but also up in Ann Arbor and at a few companies internal presentations.