Firmware update for Canon Digital Rebel XT

For those of you who have the Canon Digital Rebel XT, otherwise known as the Canon EOS 350 D, they have released a firmware update for it on 10/25/2005.  The instructions are pretty easy to follow, but for some reason my camera would get to the screen that said “CF card containing firmware is required to update.” and just hang.  I think I would have preferred to see “verifying update” or something like that.  Anyway, one email in to Canon later they are telling me I need to send my camera in for a free firmware update.  But that means no camera for god knows how long and paying for shipping, etc.  I googled a bit and found that someone had the same problem and just switched what CF card they were using.

One short trip to Meijer, and a $20 cheap Compact Flash card later, we are in business and the firmware update goes through just fine.  Strange that the really expensive 40x 1GB Lexar flash card that does great with the camera didn’t work for the simple update.  Oh well.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to add what the screen had said originally.