Book Review: Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation

As I prepared for my WWF presentation I read through Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation.  The book is written by the people involved with the project out in Redmond.  It is based on Beta 1.2 (Beta 2 was just released on last Thursday), so keep that in mind when you read it.

Over all I thought the book was well done.  There was a great chapter describing what was coming out with the next version of Office and SharePoint.  It looks like Workflow will be a boon to the solutions that involve integrating office applications into your business processes.  The writing was mostly easy to follow and the code samples were explained well.  This was my primary source of information on WWF while I prepared for my presentation. 

Recommendation: I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to get a baseline of what WWF is and what you can do with it.  Don’t expect too advanced of topics to be detailed within the book, but many are at least touched on.