Cloud Develop 2012

The organizers of the Cloud Develop 2012 conference did a great job.  I want to thank them for letting me come speak at the event.  I even filled in for a sick speaker so I was gave two talks today.  Like most talks that are last minute fill ins I didn’t see a lot of attendees, but the ones that were there ended up being highly engaged so it turned out to be one the best sessions I’ve given in a while.

Here are the materials from my second talk “A Queue by another Name”, which compares Windows Azure Storage Queues vs. Windows Azure Service Bus Queues:  In the zip file you’ll find the slide deck, the code samples and a series of resource links.

For my first talk, the Field Guide to Moving to the Cloud, you can find the slide deck at  There were no code examples in that presentation, so just the slide deck is available with my speaker notes.

Thanks to all my attendees and I hope you had a great event.