Hackathon–Incorporating Windows Azure into your Mobile Apps and Games

Thanks to all those that came out to the Columbus Dev Unleashed hackathon for Windows Phone and Windows Store apps.  I showed off using BLOB Storage, Mobile Services and Notification Hubs in my segment of the day.  If you have an interest in any of these, this is the promised list of links that point to  articles, Microsoft documentation and tutorials for each of these features of Windows Azure.

Introduction to BLOB Storage: http://bit.ly/blobstoreintro

Mobile Services Team Blog: http://bit.ly/wazmobile

Custom API: http://bit.ly/wazmobilescripts

Source Control: http://bit.ly/wazmobilegit

Server Side objects: http://bit.ly/wazmobileref

Notification Hubs: http://bit.ly/waznhub

Troubleshoot Notifications: http://bit.ly/notifydebug

Live Tile and Notification templates: http://bit.ly/waztile

Thanks to the Windows and Cloud user groups of Columbus for hosting this event!

Note to future self: If you turn on Presentation mode on Windows during your talk it will quietly turn off ALL notifications.  Including the one you are trying to demo.  DOH!