
PowerPoint has tons of keyboard shortcuts...

Just not the one I’m looking for. Spin up any PowerPoint file you have and start up the slide show. While in SlideShow mode press F1 for a list of keyboard shortcuts you can do while presenting. Some are fairly good, like “B” or “W” to white or black out the screen. You can also change the pointer to an pen (Ctrl-P) and draw on the screen with the mouse (or stylus if you have a tablet).

A new meaning to the term "Snail mail"

As reported by the BBC there is a new term for “Snail Mail”. An experiment puts actual snails to the task of delivering emails. Too funny. I guess this rates up there with the whole IP over Avian Carrier idea.

Yard Sales

Yesterday my wife and I were involved in our first yard sale. Luckily we jumped on board with a community yard sale where an organizer collected some money, took care of all the advertising and put signs up everywhere. All we had to do was get our stuff out in our yard to sell. Turns out that three other houses in our cul-de-sac were also participating along with a slew of other houses on the neighboring streets.