Game Night after Central Ohio Day of .NET!

CONOG (Central Ohio Night of Gaming)

After you fill your brain to capacity during Central Ohio Day of .NET come over to the Microsoft Office to unwind, get some snacks and play some games.  If you like board games, card games, dice games, or games played with small lettered tiles then this will be for you.  The event is family friendly, so you can bring your spouse and kids too. The event will be open from shortly after CODODN ends (say 30 minutes after, or as soon as organizers can reach the office) till about 10 PM.  There will be some amount of snackage provided; however, there are also a metric ton of restaurants nearby so you’ll have plenty to choose from. 

We will have a collection of games to choose from, but if you have games you enjoy playing, please bring them in to share.

Microsoft Office: 8800 Lyra Dr., Suite 400, Columbus, OH 43240

NOTE: This event is not sponsored or affiliated with the Central Oho Day of .NET in any way… well, we do know the people running that event, but you get the idea.