
Book Review: Shadow of the Giant

I just finished Shadow of the Giant by Orson Scott Card. This was the latest book in the Ender series and it wraps up the questions of what happened to the kids of Battle School after end of the Bugger war. I really liked the book. It has been so long since I had read Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow that I forgot several of the Battle Schoolers, and even some from Ender’s Jeesh.

What I'm Reading

I’ve added a “What I’m Reading” section to my blog’s side bar. This is where I’ll put up what books I’m reading (which also will conveniently have a link to the book on Amazon). Right now it’s Shadow of a Giant by Orson Scott Card. This is the latest book in the Ender series. So far it is definately living up to the other books in the series. I’ll post a review when I’m done.

Internet Book List

I stumbled upon a site much like IMDB, but for books: the Internet Book List. It seems to have a decent collection of titles, authors and series in it. Pretty handy if you want to see the list of books an author did in a given series, etc.