

I’m here at CodeMash 2008 in Sandusky. I’d like to say it was a beautiful drive, but in reality it was quite boring. Not much to look at. I did get caught up on my .Net Rocks episodes though. The IT world is very small and even coming all the way up to Sandusky I ran into a host of people I know: Bill Wagner, Josh Holmes, Jeff Blankenburg, Jim Holmes, Joe Wirtley, Dan Hounshell, Dustin Campbell, Brian Sherwin, Jason Follas, Darrell Hawley, Dave Giard, etc.

Upcoming Speaking

I will be speaking at the Dayton .Net Developers Group on January 23rd. The topic will be my “Be a Rules Follower” talk. This talk focuses on using the Windows Workflow Rules Engine. I had submitted a few topics to the CodeMash conference, but was one of the unfortunate that didn’t make it through the selection process. On the upside, I was asked by Bill Wagner to be one of the professionals in the “Experts Zone” at CodeMash.


It’s time for a vacation. After looking at the hours I’ve worked over the summer and what little time I’ve taken off this year it’s almost as if I’ve not taken any time off at all. Other than holidays all the time I’ve taken off has been made up with some overtime for the project I’m on. Given the fact that last year I took a total of about six weeks off (including 10 holidays and a week of sick time) I’m more than ready for a vacation.