
At work I’ve been given a project that is: “must go out on time”, “hot”, and a half dozen other metaphors for we need to get this done.  So, what could I possibly do about this but go on vacation!  Yep, five days (three work days) away from the grind.  Well, to be honest the project really isn’t that large (though it is that important appearently), so I don’t think there is an issue.  Plus I know my trusty project companion will keep chugging along while I’m gone (hi Mike!).  I gave the client three chances to tell me to not have vacation, and they turned those down, so I’m off.  My wife, son and I are headed to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia (9 hours in a car…yuk).  Hopefully I’ll have some good photos of the vacation afterwards.

Needless to say…don’t count on any technical posts for the next five days (though with my track record lately I doubt you were anyway).