.NN: An Introduction

[Edit-3/20] - Series Name change from DNN to .NN.  DNN would get confused with .Net Nuke and I don’t want to do that.

First of all, what the heck is DNN .NN? Well, I’ve been thinking of doing a regular blog article that dealt with showing some nuance of .Net or something I’ve found pretty cool lately. I didn’t want it to turn into just a link post where all I did was push out links to things I found interesting. Those are great and I subscribe to many of them, but I think that I’d end up just pointing to all the cool stuff that is already being pointed to. So I’ll let people like Steve (the Links posts) and Nino (the Mobile Minute posts) continue to provide everyone with links to things that are cool (they always have good stuff to go look at).

Instead I decided to do posts with content based on .Net related items that may include stuff people aren’t familiar with. I’ve got about a dozen ideas jotted down in OneNote for articles on things like little heard of classes in the BCL (Base Class Library) (or at least I hadn’t heard about them), productivity tips in VS.Net and .Net related tools. Hopefully you’ll find the content helpful. I’m calling the series of posts the .Net Nugget (hence the DNN .NN acronym). Hopefully they will be pretty regular, say once a week, but you never know about work schedule, User Group, family obligations, etc. will affect good intentions.

So with that out of the way, what’s up first? My first set of posts for DNN .NN will focus on what neat things you can find in the .Net 2.0 SDK Bin folder.