Ann Arbor Presentation Approaching

I’m going to speaking at the Ann Arbor .Net User Group next month on the 12th.  Here’s the abstract:

Be a Rule Follower

Windows Workflow (WF) was introduced as one of the four pillars of .Net 3.0. WF provides a rich set of tools to embed workflow within your applications. Sometimes you have to provide more than just a simple workflow though. Sometimes you have an intricate set of business rules involved that may change quickly over time due to changing laws, industry trends, sales reports or the whim of pointy haired bosses. WF provides the Policy activity to wrap rules that can be dynamically generated or declaratively included with your workflows. This presentation will focus on the rules engine provided by WF and how it can be leveraged both within and outside your workflows.

I’m also doing a short intro to WF before the main presentation.  I’m looking forward to it!