CincySQL: Great First Meeting!

Last night we held the first ever Special Interest Group (SIG): Cincinnati SQL Server User Group (CincySQL) meeting at MAX.  We had a great turn out of ~35 attendees (though the official sign in sheet had less than 30 on it…..please remember to sign in!).  Microsoft SQL Server MVP Jason Follas  gave a talk on Exploiting the Capabilities of XML in SQL Server 2005.  It was great to have such a well known persona in the SQL community come speak at the first meeting and we appreciate the drive he made down from Toledo.

I think the meeting went pretty well.  There were a lot of faces I recognized from CINNUG and I hope to see that continue.  There were a lot of faces I didn’t recognize as well.  Hopefully with word of blog we can keep a good showing.  Matt Rigling and Chris Barth are really responsible for getting the SIG underway and they’ve done a great job marketing and winning over some great SWAG. 

Over the next week or so there should be some opinion polls going up on to ask about people’s thoughts around the direction of the SIG.  If you attended (or wish you had), please take the time to answer those polls.  I’ll post again when the polls are available.