Review: Spiderman 2

This last weekend the wife and I went to see Spider-Man 2.  The movie was very good overall.  Both the original and the sequel are well done and really capture the struggle of this young hero attempting to fight the good fight while trying to live his own life as well. 

The basis of this movie is that Doctor Octavius has devised a way to create a self sustaining fusion reaction for a new energy source.  In the process of demonstrating this new device a set of four mechanical arms get attached to him and, using the artificial intelligence within the arms, takes over his mind.  He then goes about attempting to create the fusion device on a larger scale and without compunction that the first attempt almost blew up.  Meanwhile, Peter Parker’s friend Harry Osborne (from the first movie) is bent on finding out who Spiderman is so he can get revenge for the death of his father (again, from the first movie).  All this while Peter Parker is trying to come to grips with his own life outside of the spandex suit. 

The acting is decent and the action scenes are excellent.  Stan Lee even makes a couple of cameo appearances.  All in all, it was a good movie and has set the stage for Spider-Man 3 which starts filming in 2006.

Rating: 4 out of 5
Recommendation: Watch this movie with lots of popcorn!