So after seeing that James had jumped on the FireFox bandwagon, and seeing several articles on it, I decided to give this browser a spin. I downloaded it and ran the install. I have to agree with James that the install was nice….it asked where/if I wanted shortcuts and a few other things that most installs just decide for you.
So far some things that I like:
- The Install went pretty smoothly.
- You can set a “download” folder to push things to automatically, but I find I like the ability to select that myself (since I file things under their own folders in a Downloads directory; which you can still have it prompt you like IE does).
- It imported all my bookmarks, history, cookies, etc. from IE upon install. Nice.
- The DOM inspector looks like it could be handy development wise…..
- The Page Info provides more information than the IE Properties window, but I’m not sure how much more info you really need.
- I like the idea of the “Tabbed” browsing, but is it that much of a difference from using Alt-Tab to jump through your open IE windows? Not really, IMHO.
- A little more control over the organization of your bookmarks.
- Built in Pop-up blocker….nice, but IE 6 from the RC of XP SP2 I’m running has this as well.
So far things I don’t like:
- The toolbars aren’t very configurable. In IE I can get the toolbar down to a really small size. Basically the address textbox gets put on the same line as the Menu and then I have one small toolbar under that with the normal controls, Google toolbar, and a links menu pushed to the far right so that it is almost a drop down menu. The toolbar is clean and small…In FireFox you can’t juggle any of the controls around and even with “small icons” the toolbar seems a bit tall to me.
- Whenever I click on a link in Outlook (which I do quite a lot of since I use NewGator) it does open FireFox to the correct link (as it is the default browser during my test run), but for some reason Outlook also opens a “Locate Link Browser” window and is looking for an executable. Annoying.
- The “tabbed” browsing didn’t work the way I expected it to. I thought that if you clicked a link that would normally create a new window that it would just appear in a new tab. Not so.
So far, the jury is still out, but I still lean toward IE at the moment. We’ll see.