Day of .Net

First post of the year for me…..I’m not one for one of those “relive the last year” people so here is some information about something that is coming up in the New Year!

Columbus’s first “Day of .Net ”.  This is a free mini-conference hosted at the Microsoft office in Columbus.  They will have a few different presentations (looks to be mainly leaning toward web services, but a few others by Alex Lowe on upcoming Whidbey things and a presentation by James Avery about tweaking your IDE).

Looks like seating is limited, so sign up if you are interested!  It’s in Jan. Feb., on the 21st.  You can register here!

[EDIT] As James points out the date is Jan. 21st, not Feb.

[EDIT #2] Ack….sorry, Dave pointed out that it is Jan 21st, not Feb.  James had told me via email, which is what I meant to say.  I’ve also heard that the event is FULL.  My client was going to sign up and it’s all booked up.  There are rumors that there may be a Cincinnati Day of .Net in the future, so be looking for that.  And to answer Dave’s question, no, I won’t be attending.  Work, work, work for me.