Media Center stability.

Well, I guess I didn’t solve my screen woes as I had thought.  Twice over the weekend the display switched to a mode the monitor said it couldn’t handle.  Once I was able to key stroke my way to safety and log in as another user (which caused another video mode switch and brought the image back online), but the other time I had to reboot.  I don’t think this has anything to do with MCE per se, but annoying nonetheless.

As for MCE stability, well, also twice over the weekend the Media Center application totally locked up.  Once it was just the application and I could kill the process and start it back up, the second time it locked my entire machine up.  A little annoying, but it did record all the shows I wanted over the weekend.  I’ll have to see how it handled the back-to-back shows on Sci-fi last night.  See if the subsequent shows have their starts at the end of the previous show or not.