CS 1.1 Upgrade complete

Hmmm, not sure if anyone even noticed, but the blog/site was down all day today.  I was getting to work really early today so I thought I might stop off at Panera to get a muffin top and upgrade the site to Community Server 1.1 via the free wireless.  Things were going pretty well (minus the slow connection) until three other people with laptops arrived and my bandwidth dropped to nill about the middle of the install. So, I had to wait until I got home tonight to finish the update.

Overall it went really well.  The SQL update scripts ran without a hitch.  If I hadn’t had the bandwidth problem it would be great, but can’t blame that on CS.  I even changed the site over to a multi-blog from the single blog mode and used the redirection tool mentioned by Nino to provide my previous permalink redirections.  The tool also came in handy since I renamed one of my galleries to a new name after sending out a bunch of links to it.

All in all, looks good so far.  Still need to dig into the new bits and see what’s new.

This also caused the posts to be pulled down again by my aggregator, so if you get repeat posts, sorry.