Breakout Session: A Lap around Indigo

This was my first breakout session for the day after the keynote.  The first few minutes were nothing really new if you had read anything on Indigo before.  It served as an introduction to the concepts behind Indigo so that people would have a basis for the further sessions.

Some items of note from this session (and pardon if these are a bit random):

  • The attributes for DataMember and DataContract do not respect the class or member scoping identifiers.  For example, if a private or protected property is part of your data contract, then it’s going across the wire.
  • Omri Gazitt gave the talk and the code for his presentation is on his blog, or will be.
  • Binding can have semantics that are defined by the developer that basically become required in deployment.  For example, if you state your code requires a specific behavior or binding contract then it can’t be deployed without it.  This gets past the old COM+ issue of a developer intending a control to be deployed and set as requires transaction, but then an operations person going into COM+ and setting it differently.

Those are the gems I took from this beyond the basic facts of Indigo that you can get from a number of articles and examples on MSDN.  This one was a little sparse.  Tomorrow I’m going to one on Indigo with COM+ and MSMQ, so that may yield richer information.