First Bitslingers Event Recap
Last night was the first Bitslinger’s event. For those of you not following a Bitslinger event is just an informal gathering of people interested in learning from each other via pairing and sharing ideas. We had about seven people show up, which I thought was a pretty good showing for the type of event it was and the fact that it was the first one.
One attendee brought a nHibernate related issue they had been looking at for work and several of the attendees walked through that issue, writing some code spikes to see if they could reach a conclusion on the best approach to take. I spent some time talking to two other attendees about TDD and dealing with getting tests around legacy code (funny that I just started reading the Feathers book on this very subject). Another attendee was hammering out some JavaScript code and learning JSSpec.
In my opinion the event turned out just the way I had envisioned it. People working and pairing together to learn something or work through issues. I don’t know when the next one will be, but if this type of thing interests you then stay tuned to this blog or the CINNUG blog for future dates.