Go See Mark Mydland!

The Mark Mydland tour stopped in Cincinnati last night.  CINNUG hosted a Special Event for Mark to give his presentation.  It was great!  Mark covers some of the new features of the VSTS Test Edition as well as some new tools making their way out of Microsoft Research.  Mark has a lot of good stories and is definately one of those managers who likes to tell it how it is. 

One of the thing that came out last night was that they are working on getting MSTest as a stand alone entity that isn’t tightly coupled to Visual Studio.  By doing so they will be opening up a API to allow MSTest to hook into the VS testing framework and that same API will be usable by other testing frameworks.  They’ve already been in discussions with the guys from xUnit and mbUnit.  Sweet!

Mark continues his tour today down in Louisville, and then on to the great state of Tennesse.  Check out the rest of his schedule on Jennifer Marsman’s blog.