Maybe I Should Buy a Lottery Ticket

Last month I won a few books from InformIT and this month I won a Zune from The Thirsty Developer podcast!  This podcast is produced by two Microsoft Evangelists from the Central region: Dave Bost and Larry Clarkin.  It’s one of the four tech podcasts I listen to as I drive to work.  I highly recommend trying out a few episodes. 

They ran a contest based on providing feedback on what Microsoft could do better.  Out of the submissions they received they selected a winner (randomly I believe) for the Zune.  Here is what I sent them:

Dave & Larry:

*I thought I’d throw my $.02 in for the question of “what can Microsoft do better?”. *

I’d like to see a consolidation of places to provide feedback.  I’m not just talking about developer tools, but all products.  The Connect site is a step in the right direction, but not all of the teams use it.  For example, I have to put feedback for Silverlight on the forums, Visual Studio feedback on and I’ve yet to find where I can give feedback on Windows Vista.  Also, the myriad of newsgroups and forums should be merged into a single location that offers RSS, Web and NNTP access for reading and posting.  This would cut down on some of the duplication of content and also give choices for people on how they consume it.

I do have to give credit to how Microsoft is evolving to become more transparent.  The open policy they have for blogging and the introduction of the DP&E Teams over the last several years has been a great boon in my opinion.  Keep up the good work on that front!

*Thank you for producing the Thirsty Developer!  I enjoy listening to it.  *


Michael Wood

I’m looking forward to seeing the Zune when it arrives.  It’s supposed to be customized with laser etchings on the back specific to the Thirsty Developer. 

It’s odd hearing my name on a podcast that I listen to regularly.  They plugged CINNUG as well which is really great.  Thanks guys!