
If you one of the MANY Windows Azure developers who weren’t able to make it to the Build Windows conference out in California this week then don’t worry too much.  Sure, you won’t get that spiffy new Samsung slate PC running Windows 8 Developer Preview, but you can get the same session information on Windows Azure. 

The focus of the BUILD conference is not the cloud, but they do have just under two dozen sessions dealing with Windows Azure.  Check out the Azure session online (they will be available online after they are recorded live):

Azure Sessions Page 1

Azure Sessions Page 2

Brian H. Prince will even be out giving an intro level Windows Azure talk called “Getting Started with Windows Azure” on Thursday.  If you aren’t familiar with Windows Azure then take an hour and watch his presentation after it’s available online.  Brian’s a great speaker and will give you the high level overview of what Windows Azure is and what its moving parts are.