O'Reilly to Offer Books on Kindle!

O’Reilly publishing is going to have a pilot program in July for releasing twelve titles to a format usable with the Kindle.  In the press release they also mention that it would be available in a format readable by the Sony Reader.  They plan on trying to sell the titles as Kindle downloads through Amazon as well. 

They do site that some of the reluctance to jump completely into this venture is that they want to see how well these sell.  They also have indicated that they are trying to work out some issues with displays of code, charts and such on the E-ink screens.  Being an owner of a Sony Reader I can say that reading code on it isn’t the best experience without a mono-spaced font.

I would really like it if some of the tech books I’m interested in ended up in digital format so that I don’t have to lug around such weighty tomes.  This would be especially great for reference books that I could carry with me on the Sony Reader.