P&P Summit Day Two Wrap-up

Well, another day of sessions is complete (actually I’m posting this the following morning).  The day’s sessions were pretty decent.  I got the most information that I didn’t know about out of the talk by Scott Isaacs.  I was not aware of the two way RSS extensions or the microformats.  Pretty neat stuff. 

Scott Hanselman and Patrick Cauldwell’s talk was probably the most technical.  During the break immediately following their talk was the first time I heard people commenting that the material was over their heads.  I have to admit their approach was pretty radical.  I understood the talk and what they were doing, what problem they were trying to solve, etc; however, I know I would not have come up with that solution on my own if I had been in their shoes.  They are definately very sharp guys.  At the end of the day I got a chance to shake Scott’s hand and tell him how much I like his podcast.  I know, it sounds cheesy, but it was cool to say hi to someone I hear for thirty minutes every week.  If you don’t listen to the Hanselminutes podcast then you’re missing out on some great content.

The Presentation Layer talk was probably the lesser of the talks of the day.  Not because it had bad content, but because the speaker seemed to be unprepared.  He had several notes he was working from during the talk.  The most unusual talk of the day goes to the Web Service Versioning talk. 

After the sessions Stephan (a fellow consultant at SDS) and I saw the Jet Li movie Fearless .  A pretty good movie in all.  Don’t expect a real happy ending.  Dinner was at Cosi, which wasn’t bad, but I wouldn’t go back probably.