I'll be speaking at July's DevCare event

Looks like I’ll be giving one of the sessions on Windows Workflow at the upcoming July DevCare event in Cincinnati.  DevCare is a free, half-day session on Microsoft technologies that is sponsored by MaxTrain (the same training company that graciously provides a meeting site for the CINNUG meetings). 

Drew Robbins, our local Microsoft Developer Evangelist will be at the event to give the other of the two sessions.  The first session will be an intro to WF and then the second session will be on creating custom activities for your workflows.

The event will be held at the Max Train facility in Norwood Rookwood Tower in the Northwestern Mutual Insurance Building, July 14th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (with Free Pizza provided!).

UPDATE: Note the location change to Max Train where we have the CINNUG meetings.