Next Chapter

Yesterday I packed up my belongings at Resurgent and said good bye to the great folks there. It’s funny what you gather up over the years at a location and I brought home a bag full of memories. But now it is time to start new memories. I’m very happy to announce that as of October 1st I’ll be a Product Evangelist for Cerebrata! Several years ago Gaurav Mantri, a fellow Windows Azure MVP, created Cloud Storage Studio, then also produced Azure Diagnostics Manager and some Windows Azure related PowerShell CmdLets.

What We Leave Behind

“All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.” Ameila Barr Today is my last day at Resurgent Capital Services. I found the quote above recently and it is certainly the case in this situation. I’m very excited for the next opportunity I’m moving on to, but I can’t help but be saddened by the group of people I’m leaving. In one way or another I’ve worked with many of them for almost nine years.

Choice – KalX 2013

My Choice talk from the KalamazooX Conference has been posted to vimeo if you are interested. Here is the abstract: “We make countless choices each day with differing levels of impact on our lives. Sometimes choices are easy, and other times we hide from the choices we know we must make. What type of algorithm should you use for a particular problem? What do you eat for lunch (and do you tweet about it)?