On Saturday, March 24th, the Detroit Day of Azure will be held! Looks like a lot of great speakers and sessions. I’m not sure how I got passed the selection process, but I’ll be giving two talks that day (not only did I get one past them, but two!).
You can register on Eventbrite: REGISTER. The cost is $10 if you register prior to March 5th. After that the price goes up to $20.
A few days ago Microsoft announced that SQL Azure Databases just got a little cheaper. They have introduced a 100MB option at basically $5.00 USD/month ($4.995), and in addition to that they have changed the graduated pricing so that the more space you need the less per GB you pay.
It will be interesting to see if more hobbyists and shops jump on this 100 MB option. Also, remember the pricing for the database is a monthly charge that is amortized daily.
UPDATE [6/9/2012]: New features are available in Windows Azure that change things. Check out my new post on Windows Azure Web Sites
Earlier this month I got an email from a friend of mine who was trying out the Tutorial of running Node.js on Windows Azure. He had gotten to the point where he was deploying the code to Azure using the PowerShell command and was surprised to see it taking several minutes (like about 10).