Change is hard (but exciting!)

Today was my last day for Strategic Data Systems (SDS). I’ve been there for a little over six and a half years. My experience with SDS has been awesome. The owners are supportive of their employees and of the development community. Having been consultants themselves, they know what’s it like to try to keep up with the new technology, work with clients daily on projects and also try to keep up with your family.

Looking Beyond the Clouds: Part 2

With a great deal of luck, a great employer, flexible client and a very, very encouraging wife I did make it back down for part 2 of the NASATweetup for STS-134. If you didn’t catch my first summary of my experience in part one you can go read it here. Once again, this post is NOT related to Cloud Computing, but there were clouds involved, both man made (smoke) and very natural (obscuring) ones.

Windows Azure SDK for PHP 3.0 Ships!

If you are working with PHP in Windows Azure you no doubt aware of the Windows Azure SDK for PHP. Maarteen Balliauw has announced the newest release of this SDK on his blog, but you can also catch some news on it over on the Microsoft Interoperability blog. Great work! Keep it coming. Also, in case you aren’t working with PHP in Windows Azure, there are several non-.NET languages and platforms supported in Windows Azure.