
Nerd Dinner on Thursday

There will be another Cincinnati Nerd Dinner on Thursday, June 2nd. Since I’m the one that bugged James about having one I’m going to try to be there.

The science of Star Wars

Last night I caught two of three episodes that were entitled “The Science of Star Wars " on the Discovery channel. The first episode was on robots and the second was on transportation. The third episode (which I recorded with the Media Center to watch later) was on the Military. Basically, all three episodes were about things that were in the Star Wars movies that had an impact on real life, or something that would have seemed like science fiction when Star Wars came out, that is actually in use today.

Mirra Services, Hibernate slowness, and Mobile Switch to the Rescue!

Several months back I purchased a Mirra Server of the 120 GB variety. For a home network, or a small company this is a great way to have redundant (onsite) storage that is as up-to-date as your last connection to the network. You can find a review and description of the Mirra Servers here. Given the fact that I have some files that I would like backed up on a regular basis (my Microsoft Money files, my Outlook PST file, documents, code, etc.