
Halo party recap

Last night MAX and the regional Microsoft platform Evangelist team hosted a HALO 3 party at MAX. Over the evening I’d guess there were about 20-25 people that showed. With a lower turnout we only had two Xboxs set up, but eight players at a time were going at it. I’d have to say I’m not a huge first person shooter fan (although I play them), but HALO was pretty good.

New SharePoint User Group meets this coming week!

The first meeting of the SharePoint users group in Cincinnati meets this coming week on Monday at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Mason MAX train facility (the same one CINNUG meets at). Check out more information on their website (which oddly enough, is a SharePoint site).

Running behind on .NN

Yeah, sorry I’ve been running behind on the .Net Nugget posts. :( I have a million and one excuses and it all boils down to it hasn’t been on the priority list lately. I’ve got a back log of topics for it so I’ll be getting something out soon.