I heard a small blurb on this on NPR on the way in to work this morning. This is just hilarious. Costco, a wholesale store like Sams Club, is starting to run a trial of selling caskets in its Chicago stores. They are selling them along side the mattresses. So you can pick out what you want to sleep on now, and when you die. The radio spot said expect 48 hours for delivery.
In reading a post by Harry Pierson (RSS) on his DevHawk blog I came across this statement where he was talking with the Australian DoD.
“We even got into some social aspects. For example, the battlefield leaders of tomorrow are in their teens today, so they are looking at how teens communicate today. They want their battle systems of the future present information optimally for those future leaders. Each generation tends to communicate differently than previous generations.
Okay, Lucas films announced the name of the next Star Wars Movie. “Revenge of the Sith”. Hmmm, why do I suddenly get the image of a bunch of skinny, evil Jedi wearing glasses and talking about increasing the bandwidth on their doomsday computer devices so that they can get streaming audio out of their demands. This is almost as bad ad the whole “Attack of the Clones” title (to which I kept hearing “Send in the Clone!