
People with too much time and money

Some people just have WAY too much time on their hands. And I thought I was bad for watching all the LOTR movies in one weekend. At least I didn’t have any hallucinations. Also, apparently people have WAY too much money as well. I mean come on, do you really need a Kitt Knight Rider car? Is it better than my Saturn? Does it still have a warranty? Will it really be worth that amount of money?

Osama Virus

Okay, this is just wrong. First off, I never understood the lure of writing viruses. But then again, I never understood the need to destroy your own neighborhood to stage a riot…I mean protest either. Someone has written a virus and has posted it to newsgroups trying to pass it off as photos of a hung Osama Bin Laden. Here’s the low down on the BBC. I happened to see this on a few newsgroups and the fact that it was posted to so many newsgroups tipped me off that it wasn’t what it claimed to be.

Do I know this guy?

It looks like Microsoft has an MVP site where they list all the MVPs with a little bio. Do I know this guy? He looks familiar!