
See kids....math is useful

Remember in high school when you thought learning higher mathematics was useless? Well, the skills paid off for some people: Check out this BBC article on how mathematics relates to beer. You know, why do I have a mental image of a group of math professors at a bar arguing over this until one of them decided to work it out?

Lara St. John Concert

If you don’t like classical music, or are only interested in technology based info, you can delete this entry from your aggregator or skip on to the next post. Okay, so this is pretty late in writing, but on the 12th of March my wife and I headed down to Danville, KY to watch a recital given by world-renowned violinist Lara St. John. She was giving a recital with Martin Kennedy (piano) at the Norton Center for the Arts.

Max Train is Looking to Hire

MAX Technical Training is looking to hire several positions. This is the company that provides the facilities for the CINNUG meetings every month. They are a great bunch of people to work with and if you’re looking for a fun environment I’d check into what they have available. If you are interested in networking and such then they have a setup technician roll open. They also have an opening for a part time data entry position (I’d think this would be great for a college student) and a Director of Education.