
.NN #15: Not All VS 2008 Code Features Are 3.5 Specific

So your company decided to roll out Visual Studio 2008, but you have only .NET 2.0 based applications. This is perfectly fine because of the great new Multi-targeting feature in VS 2008 that lets you target the 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5 Frameworks for each project; however, the company directive has been that you’ll be updating the applications to 3.5 on an as needed basis, or only when there are changes to the project.

.NN #14: RegEx Option for Find/Replace

This might seem more like a “Visual Studio Tip of the Day”, but today’s .NET Nugget is focusing on the Regular Expression option for the Find/Replace feature in Visual Studio. Sara even mentioned this way back on tip #75 (she’s on # 172 now). I ran into a situation the other day where this helped out a great deal and I thought I’d share. NOTE: If you think find/replace functionality isn’t that interesting, at least skip to the final paragraph to read the real point behind this post.

.NN#13: Unit Testing Rules From the Rules Engine

Download the Code Sample to follow along if you want. I’ve recently given several talks on the Windows Workflow (WF) Rules Engine and during one of those talks someone asked the question, “So how do you unit test these rules?” At the time I simply said, “wait for the demo I show on using the rules engine outside of workflow”. Later in the presentation I showed a sample of executing rules out side of a workflow and again indicated you could do something like this for your unit testing.