
The Event formerly known as Cincinnati-Dayton Area Code Camp

Well, there won’t be a Cincinnati-Dayton Area Code Camp this year…..instead there will be a Central Ohio Day of .NET! The Columbus based Central Ohio .NET Developers Group has jumped in to help host the event so we’ve ditched the old name and chosen to rip off the Day of .NET moniker. We did this for two reasons: The Day of .NET moniker is well known in the region and has several really successful events under its belt.

NBC to use SilverLight for Olympics Coverage

Wow….now that’s progress. NBC plans on providing Olympic content via SilverLight in August. What a heck of a way to get people to embrace the technology. Oh….did I mention they plan on using SilverLight 2.0 for this? Check it out on infoq.

CodeMash Day 2 Recap

This morning’s keynote, Concurrency: Past and Present, was given by Brian Goetz. The talk was a general overview of why concurrency is so hard and what may be coming in the future to solve the problems. Both Intel and Sun (probably others) are looking at hardware solutions. Java and .Net are also looking at software solutions. Unfortunately I had to step out of the talk and didn’t hear the last few minutes.