I’ve written about pre-build events before on another web site. These are a great tools for when you need to perform an action prior to a project being built; however, there can be a few gotchas to keep in mind. Using Pre-build Events with Command Line DevEnv
As part of the article linked above I indicated that the pre and post build events would not fire if you executed the build using the devenv command line.
I will be speaking at the Dayton .Net Developers Group on January 23rd. The topic will be my “Be a Rules Follower” talk. This talk focuses on using the Windows Workflow Rules Engine.
I had submitted a few topics to the CodeMash conference, but was one of the unfortunate that didn’t make it through the selection process. On the upside, I was asked by Bill Wagner to be one of the professionals in the “Experts Zone” at CodeMash.
The discount for rooms at the Kalahari have been extended for those that want to stay at the resort for CodeMash. You can take advantage of the discount up till the 24th of December. If you haven’t registered for CodeMash, you should be asking yourself why not? This event costs $175 (till 1/5/2008), which is really cheap for a two day conference. The rooms are $88/night during the conference, which is also way cheap compared to the $129/night they normally charge.