I’ve got more information on the Ron Jacbos talk next week. Check it out on the CINNUG blog: http://cinnug.org/blogs/blog/archive/2007/10/01/ron-jacobs-to-speak-in-cincinnati.aspx
Ron Jacobs, host of ARCast, will be coming to speak in Cincinnati on Oct. 10th. It will be in the morning of October 10th at the Mason Microsoft office. I’ll post more when I get more information, but for now the topic was stated to be on Test Driven Development.
Since SQL Server 2000 the database developers have enjoyed some cool ways to work with XML in the database. Jason Follas is even doing a talk on using XML in the database at the upcoming Cincinnati SQL Server Users Group meeting (Sept 25th, 2007). The story of XML with SQL 2005 is even better than it was with SQL 2000. This ability to parse and deal with XML in the database has opened up a new way for the data access code to communicate with the database.