It looks like the guys up in Ann Arbor are going to start doing the Day of .Net twice a year! Registration is open for the Fall edition of this one day conference. Here is a blurb I received in my email:
“Day of .NET in Ann Arbor is a one-day conference on all things .NET organized by developers for developers. This event is being offered at no cost to anyone interested in .
I’m glad I called this blog series semi-regular. :) I’ve not had a chance to finish up my latest installment so I thought I’d throw a post out that just had some odds and ins in it about productivity.
As developers we spend a LOT of time typing, writing code and working in applications. We can increase our efficiency quite a bit by becoming very familiar with the tools we use by learning shortcuts, new features and maybe even generating some macros.
It looks like MAX Technical Training is having an in-depth, 3 day class on Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). This is a great technology and if you are interested and learn well in a classroom environment this may be worth your time to look into.
I’ll be giving a talk on WF for the Ann Arbor User Group later this year around the rules engine, but more on that later.