Drew Robbins has sent out some instructions for how to get signed up for some free E-Learning from Microsoft. You have to sign up by April 15th and it’s good only for the first 500 people who take advantage of it. I’m signing up!
The second annual Cincinnati-Dayton Area Code Camp is over. I think it went pretty well. I’ve had several people say they really enjoyed the event. We had 134 attendees for the final count. 24 sessions. Whew. I’ve posted up the content that I have so far. You can get links to individual sessions from the sessions page on the CINNUG site.
We had some great giveaways, including a surprise giveaway of a Microsoft Zune by Quick Solutions and an Xbox 360 by Microsoft!
Well, I hope you weren’t looking for a poem. I’m not that creative…or at least not tonight.
Everything is packed in the car ready for tomorrow. All the packets are packed, all the registration papers are printed, and all the SWAG is nestled in boxes and bags. It’s been a LONG several months putting this together. I’m looking forward to tomoroow.
But for now….it’s time to go pop some popcorn, pop open an IBC Black Cherry (crap, I gave my last one to Ben for helping pack the bags), and watch the last Battlestar I have recorded.