They have announced that there will be a PDC (Professional Developer’s Conference) in Oct. 2007! They only have a PDC if they have lot of stuff to announce. I was at the one in 2005 when they announced WF. If you can go, it’s a heck of a trip. There is a ton of stuff to learn.
CINNUG is having a membership drive for the next three months. If you live in or around Cincinnati and are a .Net developer you should come check out the group. If you are already a regular attendee then start dragging your friends/co-workers out in order to increase your odds of winning a nice prize at the end of the membership drive: A Microsoft Zune music player. Oh, and if we get 60 people or more at our Feb.
Via Brad Abrams I see that MSDN Library is now opening up a beta program to allow the community to update MSDN Library documentation. It’s not like Wikipedia that will allow you to edit anything, but you can add comments, code snippets, etc. to several topics. I remember seeing this many years ago on the PHP3.0 sites where the community basically provided the documentation to the system. Several of the hints on how things actually worked were better than the canned docs.