
Headed to the mother ship

Tomorrow I leave for the Patterns & Practices Summit out in Redmond. I’m looking forward to it! There seems to be a lot of good speakers and plenty of good content. I’ll try to provide summaries of the sessions like I did when I went to PDC.

Not happy where you are (skill wise?)

Jim Holmes has a great post about the journey he took from a place he wasn’t happy with to where he is now. I can’t agree with this more. I am sometimes taken aback at the negative reception to new technologies and methodologies by other developers. If you want to get ahead in this industry you have to be keeping up. You have to keep learning. If you haven’t been at least reading the “intro to” articles for the .

Microsoft releases (CTP) an NDoc replacement

With the news that the main NDoc developer has stopped support for the community project it looked like the ability to compile source comments into help files was grim for .Net 2.0. Microsoft has stepped up with a new product to replace NDoc - Sandcastle. It looks like they have released a version of Sandcastle for download. Note that this is a Community Tech Preview (CTP) and therefore may not be fully functional.