Tom Archer has published a nice matrix to determine what pieces you need for getting moving with the latest and greates CTPs, Vista, and VS.Net extensions. Developers looking into the new .Net Framework 3.0 (netfx3.0) stuff should check it out.
Via Paul Andrew.
Last Friday I spoke at the July DevCare event sponsored by Microsoft and MaxTrain. I am very glad Drew Robbins (the regional Developer Evangelist) asked me to present with him. Both Drew and I spoke on Windows Workflow (WF) to a crowd of about 15-17 people. I think the talks went very well from the input I saw in the evaluations as well as talking to a few people that attended.
CINNUG has it’s monthly meeting tonight. Our original speaker for the month has disappeared, but Dave Donaldson was kind enought to step in and do a talk for us. Come on out to MaxTrain for some free knowledge and pizza.