
Architecture Paper published from CINNUG presentation

If you happened to miss Rob Keefer’s talk at CINNUG, or if you’d like a companion paper to go along with that talk, then you can find a download of it here. I think the meeting went pretty well (even if James wasn’t there to run it…..Hawaii….please). There was a good amount of talk and feedback about the subject during the presentation as well. Rob likes to do interactive presentations and I think it worked out quite well.

Congrats for Nino

Nino is now a MVP! Congrats to you man. Nino has been answering mobile device questions for quite some time via the newsgroups, his blog, and such. 

CodePlex launched

Okay, so I’m two days behind the news, but CodePlex is Microsoft’s new code sharing site. This is in the same vein as GotDotNet and SourceForge. CodePlex, however, is actually built on top of Team Foundation Server which is pretty cool. Here’s a MS-Watch article on it. In the article it says that they won’t attempt to port existing projects at the other code repositories to the new CodePlex site. This will be interesting as new features and such are exposed through CodePlex (or maybe just having the performance up to snuff) and people complain that the other sites need the same features, etc.