A friend of mine, Emiel Duys, has started blogging. His first post is a detailed deep drive into the difference between casting options in C# down to the assembly code level. His blog is called CodeDetails and can be found at : http://codedetails.com/blogs/emiel/default.aspx (RSS).
Microsoft has exposed a folder view with all of the latest SysInternals tools in it. You can find it at http://live.sysinternals.com/. If you aren’t familiar with these tools you should be. Process Explorer (procexp.exe) is a must. For each tool there appears to also be the corresponding help (.chm) file.
Good Stuff.
The first ever Indy Code Camp was last weekend so I don’t feel as bad being late in blogging about it. I don’t recall where I came across the event, but I’m glad I did. Aaron Lerch and the staff did a really good job with the event. The facility they have for the IndyNDA and the event was awesome. I wish we had something similar around Cincinnati (if you know of one, let me know!