Tonight’s cinnug meeting is on architecture. Rob Keefer from Strategic Data Systems (the same company I work for) will be presenting. 6:00 PM at Max Technical Training in Norwood. Jamesa is out of town so I get to run the meeting (and buy the pizza)! Hope to see you there!
Well, vacation has been over for more than two weeks now. It was a good time. The munchkin did great traveling and the wife had a good time. The Williamsburg area is an excellent place for history buffs.
The “must complete” project was completed (even a little a head of time) and is now in User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Hopefully things will go well there, but in the meantime I’m back to working on a project that is VB6 and traditional ASP (yikes….
This is an interesting tidbit of knowledge about what security tokens are used when you spawn a thread. Mr. Levy passed this on to me and I just wanted to post it so I can remember it (and find) in the future. :)