
CINNUG Presentation completed!

I gave my WWF presentation last night to the CINNUG crowd. I think I had more people at the user’s group meeting than I did for the Code Camp! I got a lot of good questions during the presentation. Thank you for those that attended. Again, if you are interested you can download my presentation materials (including resources, code and slide deck). This slide deck has been updated from the code camp for a few of the changes in Beta 2 of WWF.

CINNUG tomorrow night

Don’t forget, CINNUG (Cincinnati .Net User’s Group) is tomorrow night (6:00 PM at Max Train in Norwood). I’ll be presenting Windows Workflow Foundation. Hope to see you there!


At my presentation for the code camp one of the attendees asked me if WWF had any interoperability with BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), a workflow description language created by IBM to standardize workflow type definitions. My answer at the time was, “I’m not familiar with any out of the box correlation between the two.” Well, it looks like some enterprising person/group is going to try to come up with a BPEL/WWF importer/exporter so that they can pull in BPEL workflows into WWF and export WWF workflows to BPEL.