
Windows Workflow Evangelist position open at MS

Know about Windows Workflow Foundation? There is a position open at Microsoft for a Windows Workflow Foundation Evangelist. You can find out more about this position on their Careers Site. If you are interested you can post your resume to their Career Site, or you can contact James Conard via his blog.

Bug Vote for scripting issue in SQL Management Studio 2005

Back in November I posted a question to the MSDN newsgroups asking about why the scripting wizard in the new SQL Management Studio was a step backwards from Enterprise Manager. The specific issue was that for an object I couldn’t select a scripting object to generate both the drop and create commands. In Enterprise Manager you could say Scipt this object and add an IfExists then drop to the beginning before the create.

Code Camp presentation Official

Well, it’s official: I’ll be giving a talk on Windows Workflow Foundation at the Dayton/Cincinnati Users Group [Code Camp]( “Code camp info on Dayton UG site.”) in January. The event is free and there are a lot more talks than just mine. Take a peek at the [schedule]( “Code Camp Schedule on Dayton UG site.”) and get [registered]( “Event Registration via Microsoft.”). I’d be flattered if you attended my talk, but there are several tracks to choose from.