Tonight is the September meeting of the Cincinnati Dot Net Users Group (CINNUG). It will be on Tablet PC development.
I’ve also been asked to a few minutes on what I learned out at PDC last week. Got anything you specifically want to hear about?
Well, this is my last session here at PDC. Actually, I’m pretty worn out and am definitely ready to get home to sleep on a bed that isn’t hard as a rock and take a shower without the water constantly switching from luke warm/cold to scalding.
The session was “Windows Communications Foundation (“Indigo”): A Deep Dive into Extensions for Security and Identity” and was presented by Doug Walter. Overall, it was a pretty good session, but like many of the sessions here a lot of the info could have been delivered quicker.
So, after the last few sessions of the day I was getting pretty worn. I wasn’t feeling well and had seriously thought about canning the rest of the day and going back to the hotel. But, when I walked past my next session and looked in I saw a name on the slide that caught my eye: Don Box. Yep, this presentation was given by Don Box and Dharma Shukla. I hadn’t been keeping track of the speakers, just what was being presented.