
Try OneNote for 60 days....

Microsoft is offering a free 60 day trial of the OneNote product. If you use a tablet this is a must in my opinion. If you don’t use a tablet this is still a great application to take notes, etc. It has some really awesome features, one of which is the shared session as described by product manager Chris Pratley. Check it out…it’s free. If you like it, then pay for it, if not, uninstall and move on.

Using xslt in your VS.Net need this.

The standard schema for xslt that came with VS.Net 2003 didn’t have the xsl: namespace prefix on it, and was pretty lacking. A better schema file can be found online. It was created by Joe Feser. Once you download it, extract the zip file to a temp directory and read the readme file. It tells you how to incorporate it into your install (simply copying files where it tells you to).

Do you WinCV?

There is an application that comes with the .Net SDK called WinCV. This little utility is used to quickly scan a group of assemblies for names that match a search string. It’s a quick way to find the namespace of the class you know has the name “ObscureObject-Something-or-Other”. Once it finds the objects that match the search you can see the interfaces, methods, members, etc. that the object has. Almost like an Object browser, except the search is a LOT faster.